Capture Officer
1. The winner of a battle has a chance to capture a officer of the loser.
2. The winner can capture the loser's officer only when:
1) Both players are HQ level 26 or above
2) The winner has level 1 or above Prison
3) The loser has more than 10 officers
3. Among the officers in the place where the battle takes place, one officer is selected to be captured. Please keep raising your power to protect your officers.
Execute Officer
1. A captured officer can be executed only when:
1) The execution waiting time is up
2) The higher an officer's level and star are, the more execution waiting time is.
Rescue Officer
1. Your captured officer can be rescued after the captor's HQ is attacked and defeated by you or any other player.
Release Officer
1. While an officer is jailed, the captor can release the officer at any time. Released officers automatically return to their owners.
Reincarnate Officer
Executed officers enter a countdown waiting to be reincarnated.
1. After the countdown ends, the officer is reborn with previous star-level minus 1 and returns to level 1(5-star and 6-star officers retain all of the previous stars)
2. Use Glue: The officer is reincarnated immediately with previous star-level minus 1 and retains 80% of EXP
3. Use Super Glue: The officer is reincarnated immediately with previous level and star-level