You can make your officers stronger by upgrading officer level, promoting officer and upgrading officer rank.

Upgrade Officer

Upgrading officers can strengthen their combat strength (Damage/Sec and HP) in Special Operation as well as their Leadership (marching troop size).
Upgrading an officer consumes Training Dummies or other officers as materials. Material officers consumed will disappear.
Officers can not be further upgraded after reaching the level cap. You need to promote them to unlock higher levels.
Promote Officer

Promoting officers will unlock more officer skills.

The unlit stars of an officer stands for how many times the officer can be further promoted. You can promote a officer after upgrading it to its current maximum level.

Supplies needed to promote officer can be obtained from defeating Evil Toys, opening supply chests, Special Operation, etc.

Upgrade Officer Rank

You can upgrade officer rank to enhance officer skill effects.

There are 12 ranks in total.
You can consume same-name officer or officer fragments to upgrade officer rank.