- The same pack in Army Men Strike only has one price.
- Since the pricing takes US dollar as the benchmark currency, the actual price in different countries is calculated according to the exchange rate between US dollar and currency in the target country. Normally the exchange rate we use remains the same over a long period of time, but when the actual exchange rate undergoes great changes, we might have to adjust the exchange rate we use for a certain country, leading to possible price change in that country.
- Some countries, such as some EU countries, would tax in-game transactions for 10% to 30% under the law. The tax is added to the basic price by Google Play or other platforms, therefore leading to different final prices in different countries.
- As the game developer, we are committed to creating a fair and impartial gaming environment for players from different countries. Exchange rate fluctuation caused by economic fluctuation is beyond our control. We will try our best to minimize its impact on our in-game economy system.
Is the price of a pack the same in different countries/districts?
Last Updated: 2374d