1. Silver Star Supply, Colonel Supply, General Supply and 5-star Medal are required to promote an Officer to 5-star.
2. When an Officer reaches 5-star, the max level of it becomes Lvl 80 and Officer Talents can be unlocked.
3. Tap "Talent" to select Officer Talents. Tap any Talent to view detailed info and select a Talent.
4. Talents are classified into two types: Logistical and March (Takes effect when garrisoning and marching).
5. Each Officer is allowed to select a Section to learn Officer Talents. Once selected, the Section can't be changed.
6. Logistical Officers can select one among 4 Talent Sections and the Talents take effect when they are learned and Officers are assigned to Logistics, Military, Technology and Defense Departments. An Officer can't be assigned to two different Departments at the same time and the best effect of the Officer can't come into being, so Talent of the same department should be selected to learn.
7.  March Officers can select one among 4 Talent Sections: Suppress Vehicle, Suppress Copter, Suppress Commando, Suppress Artillery. The Talents take effect when they are learned and Officers are sent on marching.
8. Every Section contains 9 different Officer Talents. A whole same Officer is consumed when learning Officer Talents. After learning, 3 random Officer Talents are upgraded.

Q: Can Officer skills stack?
A: When there are multiple Normal Officer skills with the same name during a march, only the one with the highest stat will take effect. This goes the same with Officer Assign Skills.
Five-star officers’ Talent skills can stack.
Skills with different names but has the same effect can stack.