Entrance 1: Corps > Corps Chest
Entrance 2: Moneybox > Corps Chest
1. Quality of Corps Chest
There are 4 Qualities of Corps Chest and they are listed from the lower to the higher: Green, Blue, Purple, Orange and Golden. The better the Chest quality is, the better the rewards it contains and the more time is required to open it.
2. Transport Chest
Only one Chest can be transported for free at the same time, but you can spend Gold to transport multiple Chests at the same time. After transporting the Chest, you need Corps member’s help to open it. If you get no help from Corps member to open the Chest, it will disappear after a specific duration and you can’t get the rewards in it.
3. Corps Member’s Help
In Help List, you can view the other Corps members’ chests and help them open the chests. After helping corps members, you need to wait for the countdown to run out before you can claim the rewards. You can help open only one Chest at the same time.
4. Refresh Chest
Every 2 hours, the Chests will be automatically refreshed. You can manually refresh them and there are 2 free chances to refresh them every day.