After purchasing Gold I didn't get them!
While most of the transactions are carried out smoothly and successfully, sometimes the server may be slower than normal, or experie...
I didn't receive pack items after making payment
Sometimes the delivery of pack items can be delayed due to network or technical causes. In rare cases where you still don't receive pack ite...
Is the price of a pack the same in different countries/districts?
The same pack in Army Men Strike only has one price. Since the pricing takes US dollar as the benchmark currency, the actual price i...
Why did my gold amount become a negative number?
If you bought a pack and then applied for refund, we will take back the gold and items in the pack while refunding you. If some of the ite...
※Recharge Bonus
To enhance your experience, we are providing you with an exclusive event. Click on the link to visit the official website and learn mo...